
Testing and Building with DUNE

DUNE makes it easier to test locally. Performing integration tests with DUNE requires some setup. DUNE may be installed from git hub

Open Local Node Port

Need to change scripts/config.ini from http-server-address = to http-server-address = This will enable port 8888 to listen on all ports, and that is needed because docker runs on a different network.

This is part of the docker image, so this must be completed before running bootstrap. If you already have a docker image you can

  • Destroy the docker container
  • Remove docker image
  • Re-run bootstrap

An alternative option is to enter the docker container, change the configuration, and restart the node.


Once you follow the directions you need to grap the keys for the existing eosio account.

egrep 'priv_key|pub_key' src/dune/*.py

Start a Node

Start a node if you haven't already

dune --start test_node

Create Wallet

Start a Docker shell. Must be done locally due to permission problems with DUNE.

docker exec -it dune_container /bin/bash

Commands to make wallet

cleos wallet create -n bob -f jungle4-wallet/bob.wallet
cleos wallet unlock -n bobtestlion1 --password $(cat jungle4-wallet/bob.wallet)

Create Accounts

Now we can create our test accounts. In the examples below replace, priv_key and pub_key with the values from [DUNE Keys](#DUNE Keys)

dune --create-key
dune --create-account bob eosio pub_key priv_key
dune --create-key
dune --create-account alice eosio pub_key priv_key

Add Private Key to Wallet

Use bob's priv_key Note done locally

cleos wallet import -n bobtestlion1 --private-key priv_key

Test Transfer

Note done locally

cleos transfer bob alice "0.001 EOS" "Hodl!" -p bob

Private Keys in Tests

Look at src/tests/node.js and src/tests/web.html to make sure the private key matches DUNE's.

Run Tests

npm run test node

If you want just the integration tests run.

npm run test-node